From climbing the highest mountain to picking up a tiny piece of sea glass or a tiny leaf, I am aware that I live in a world that began as nature. There is a peace and confidence that joins me as i walk through trails in the woods, stroll the shore looking for treasures or tend my gardens. I love to view my flowers and veggies every day to see how they have grown and changed. I feel a meditative freedom that has no sense of time. My purpose is just to be, see , hear, feel and sense my surroundings.
I love to gather nature's gift in every season. Sometimes I sit and create them where I find them. I usually bring them home and combine them in ways to bring that same creative beauty indoors. For all the years I taught art, my creations became prototypes for projects I would bring to my students.
I believe feathers, four leaf clovers, cardinals, butterflies and more all come as gifts from spirit. Most times they bring a message from above. I receive them fairly often and I am so very grateful. If this interests you, please ask me to share some of the gifts and stories I have received. Each comes with a sense of comfort. It is in these very feelings, experiences and gifts that my inspiration comes to create art. When I feel centered and balanced in the process, I can feel that nature, spirit and our creator are helping me , inspiring me and urging
me to share with those who are opened to my work.