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  • Writer's pictureartsou5

Love Heals resonates in many images

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Love is definitely a component for resilience. Here are 5 different paintings that grace that walls of five different homes. The women who chose these are all quite different. The thing I and they all have in common is the desire to love and be loved. The first love I experienced is with my parents. I suspect that is true for all of these people too. I grieve for my parents daily. I understand fully I can live without them here. I would just prefer not to have had to!!

Some grieve for husbands. Some grieve for children , friends, grandparents or even pets. I suppose we grieve for the loss of such beautiful and hopefully unconditional love. It isn't always possible to love everything a person does or says. I do think despite that we can still love another person wholly. Surely this love contributes greatly to resilience.

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