I knew there was a book with in the morning pages that Julia Cameron suggested. I had been writing faithfully every morning for 12 weeks. Around that time my dad was quite sick and we weren't sure if he would make it. My dad was told to go home , put his affairs in order and think about the "whipple procedure" He's knees quivered and he replied "nothing to think about, sign me up, I'm not ready yet." I worked diligently and self published a book entitled : Art and Soul a spiritual approach to crafts. I wanted to publish it in my dads lifetime. Admittedly it was rushed, but he was so incredibly proud of my work. What an amazing, prolific example he set for me with those words and the way he handled himself. He was 80 then and lived another 15 productive years. Here is the cover I designed 17 years ago. If you would like to borrow a copy I have a few at home. I donated one to L.Y.A., Beth El Temple and the Longmeadow Library.
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Updated: Feb 9, 2022